As we approach the season of feasting, it is important to keep a rigorous dental routine to avoid missing out on all of the tasty treats of the times. Pretty soon there will be caramel apples and Thanksgiving dinners and before you know it, that Christmas ham will be a glistening centerpiece on your dining room table. Don’t let dental issues keep you from enjoying this scrumptious season of suppers and seasonal fun. Here are tips from CHP Dentistry to help you have healthy teeth for the holidays and help you feel confident in your smile and oral health!

Develop a rigorous routine. Dental care is about repetition and consistency. Brush every morning and night. Brush all sides of all teeth, brush your gums, and brush your tongue. Use a toothbrush that is firm but not stiff. Floss regularly. It can be scary to restart flossing after years of neglect but rest assured, you will become adept quickly and your gums will not only adjust but they will become more robust and healthier. Choose flosssing sticks or threaders for a more accurate flossing experience and don’t be discouraged by blood when flossing. It will subside as your routine becomes common.

Get a check up. If you haven’t been to see a dentist in a year or more, head in for a visit. CHP Family Dentistry in Cedar Hill Pointe is accustomed to welcoming new patients. They will do everything to help you feel comfortable and confident with your decision to face your dental needs head on.

Consider sealants. After your teeth are clean and cared for, discuss sealants with your dentist. Sealants are very common, keep your teeth white, and protect your teeth for long term use. The addition of sealants is an investment in your oral hygiene and care. You will not be disappointed with the results of a mouth sealed from excess bacteria and plaque.

As you begin to prepare for the season of scrumptiousness, take some time to deal with your most important digestive tools. Your teeth are an important part of your overall health and supportive, understanding professionals are ready to assist you in your goals for a long and productive life for your chompers. Contact CHP Family Dentistry today.

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